Rachel Hopkins MP backs Fairtrade’s call for action for farmers on the climate frontline, this Fairtrade Fortnight
Rachel Hopkins, MP for Luton South, has affirmed her support for this year’s Fairtrade Fortnight campaign, which is raising awareness of the need to protect the farmers behind some of Britain’s best loved foods from the harmful effects of climate change.
During Fairtrade Fortnight 2022 (February 21 – March 6), the Fairtrade Foundation is running a campaign highlighting the growing challenges that climate change brings to farmers and agricultural workers overseas who grow popular products such as tea, coffee, cocoa and bananas.
In a show of support for Fairtrade, Rachel Hopkins MP was among some 55 MPs who recently participated in parliamentary events held to mark Fairtrade Fortnight.
On March 1, the Fairtrade APPG held an event in Portcullis House, Westminster. At the event, MPs had the opportunity to hear more about the importance of involving farmers and agricultural workers in plans to tackle the climate crisis.
Rachel Hopkins MP said: “I am proud to support Fairtrade Fortnight this year. As we know, the climate crisis is the biggest threat to the livelihoods of millions of farmers and agricultural workers across the developing world. Farmers and workers who have done the least to contribute to climate change, are disproportionately affected by it.
It’s important we all play our part in tackling climate change and shopping for Fairtrade goods is a simple yet effective step to do so. By shopping Fairtrade we can give farmers better incomes so that they can better protect their crops from the effects of climate change.
‘I am delighted that so many in Luton South support Fairtrade’s mission to make trade fair. I would encourage everyone to work towards a world where trade and climate justice is a reality for all.”