Following my question, I wrote to him asking for a meeting to discuss how it can be improved, read the letter here:
Dear Kevin,
Luton Train Station
I am writing to you following my question in Transport Oral Questions on the necessary comprehensive renovation of Luton train station, which is not fit for purpose. My Luton South constituents and people travelling to, from and through Luton station are not receiving the quality of service or experience they deserve.
Luton station’s inaccessibility marginalises many disabled and elderly people, young families with pushchairs and travellers with luggage from rail travel. I appreciate that Access for All funding has been allocated to install step-free access, but we still have no further clarity on when the work will start and be completed by. I would be grateful if you were able to shed some light on this.
The installation of lifts to each of the five platforms is crucial to creating an inclusive, accessible train station. However, new lifts on a dilapidated station (despite the licks of paint) will not address the substandard experience that Luton travellers receive. As the gateway to our town, Luton station should reflect the growing and ambitious town we are now. An overdue comprehensive renovation of Luton station, connecting it to the Bute Street car park redevelopment and Luton Council’s wider town centre masterplan, is vital to regenerating our town centre and supporting our local (and regional) economy.
I would like to meet with you to discuss the options available for improving Luton station, and would be grateful if your office could provide your availability over the coming weeks?
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Rachel Hopkins MP