Labour party conference always has a diverse array of stalls for delegates to drop by during the conference. Below is a short round-up of just some of the stalls I visited over the past week.

I stopped by the WWF’s stall to talk about putting nature at the heart of our climate response and to pledged to ensure that we keep global heating to below 1.5 degrees.

It’s always a pleasure to reaffirm my support for the WASPI women campaign. Women born in the 1950s have been treated unfairly by the Government and deserve justice.

I have long campaigned for dignity at the end of life, I was pleased to lend my support to Marie Curie’s campaign to ensure the best possible end of life care for all.

Some constituents have written to me concerned about the use of e-scooters on pavements and the effect this can have on blind and partially sighted people and their guide dogs. I have previously written to the Government to share these concerns and am happy to support the Guide Dogs UK campaign to keep blind and partially sighted people safe.

Social care is one of the most important issues facing our country today and for too long the Conservatives have kicked the can down the road and failed to reform the care system. It’s time we had a care system that worked for both service users and its workers, so I was pleased to support the Alzheimers Societies #CureTheCareSystem campaign.